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acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint copyright material:
1. The Wiley Press for extracts from “Guest Editorial” by Butler W. Lampson from Software: Practice and Experience 2, no. 3 (1972): 195–96.
2. Maciej Ceglowski for extracts from “Dabblers and Blowhards” from Idle Words (blog), April 4, 2006. Text available at http://www.idlewords.com/2005/04/dabblers_and_blowhards.htm.
3. David Barrett for extracts from “Why We Don’t Hire .NET Programmers” from Expensify (blog), March 25, 2011. Text available at http://blog.expensify.com/2011/03/25/ceo-friday-why-we-dont-hire-net-programmers/.
4. Derick Bailey for extracts from “Dear Open Source Project Leader: Quit Being a Jerk” from LosTechies.com December 14, 2012. Text available at http://lostechies.com/derickbailey/2012/12/14/dear-open-source-project-leader-quit-being-a-jerk/.
5. Vivek Wadhwa for extracts from “The Face of Success, Part I: How the Indians Conquered Silicon Valley” from Inc.com, last updated on January 13, 2012. Text available at http://www.inc.com/vivek-wadhwa/how-the-indians-succeeded-in-silicon-valley.html.
6. Roli Varma for extracts from “Exposure, Training, and Environment: Women’s Participation in Computing Education in the United States and India” from the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 15, no. 3 (2009): 205–22.
7. James Kwak for extracts from “The Importance of Excel” from The Baseline Scenario (blog), February 9, 2013. Text available at http://baselinescenario.com/2013/02/09/the-importance-of-excel/#.
8. Joshua Bloch for extracts from “Extra, Extra–Read All About It: Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts Are Broken” from Google Research Blog, June 2, 2006. Text available at http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/06/extra-extra-read-all-about-it-nearly.html.
9. P. N. Furbank, copyright © P. N. Furbank, for permission to reprint two postcards (page 229) written by Alan Turing to Robin Gandy, from the series “Messages from the Unseen World,” The Turing Digital Archive, King’s College, University of Cambridge. Postcards available at http://www.turingarchive.org/viewer/?id=154&title=14 and http://www.turingarchive.org/viewer/?id=154&title=16.